The most difficult thing to do in a relationship is rebuild trust, especially when there is hurt, anger, resentment, and betrayal.

If you feel hopeless in your relationship, or like your family is too broken to heal, I can help bring structure and clarity to your healing process and work with you to navigate the difficult barriers that are preventing communication, connection, intimacy, passion, peace, and joy in your relationship.

The road can be painful, even unbearable at times. But there is hope for those who desire healing and are willing to do what it takes to achieve it!

Here’s How It Works!

step one: explore the courses

Check out the treatment courses below to learn more about each one. Find the ones you think you and your partner need. Each course is uniquely designed to be completed individually or combined with others, based on what you need. The “Basic Couple’s Program” includes Communication, Boundaries, Conflict Resolution, and Intimacy. Add or remove courses to build the perfect program for you.

step two: get to know me

Find out more about me to see if you think I will be the right fit for you. Click on my profile picture below to watch my introduction video and get to know who I am. See why my approach is so unique and effective and make sure that you get the right therapist the first time!

step three: book an appointment

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to sit down with me personally and develop the perfect plan for you and your partner.
If you feel this program is a good fit for you and your partner, book your first session now and begin your journey to finding Greater Love!

Step One

Step One:
find what you need

Click on each course to learn more!



conflict resolution


betrayal trauma

Family therapy



couple’s intensive

individual therapy

Spiritual Renewal

not sure what you need? get your journey started with the “basic couple’s program.”

Choose a Therapist Here!

Step Two:
get to know me

Check out my video to learn more about me.




Book an appointment!

optional step:
Subscribe to our client resource center

Client Resource Center

Get unlimited access to our growing collection of classes, presentations, workshops, and exclusive content after completing your first session. New items added every month.