effective communication is essential in healthy relationships. almost every couple that comes to therapy reports communication as a central issue.
4-6 sessions
listening to understand
In this session, couples will learn how to eliminate misunderstandings on day one! Couples will establish ground rules about how to communicate and change the pattern of criticizing, blameing, defensiveness, and withdrawing.
Barriers to Communication
In session two, couples will become more aware of their communication barriers and figure out ways to overcome them. This session will take a look at past experiences and how they influence current functioning.
communication styles
In week three, couples will gain insight into their communication style and learn how to communicate clearly. They will learn additional tools that will help them express their feelings, wants, and needs.
scenario-based excersise
In week four, couples will practice using their newly learned communication skills. The therapist will coach and guide the couple through role-playing and scenario-based exercises to fine-tune areas of improvement.
learning how to validate
In this week, couples will be introduced to the concept of validation and learn how to see alternative perspectives. Couples will become able to see problems through the eyes of their partner.
finding Resolution
In the final week, couples will address their “unsolvable problems” and learn how to change their approach to these issues. This skill will prepare couples for the conflict resolution course.