conflict resolution 

Call them debates, conflicts, arguments, or vehement fiscal discussions – every couple will have disagreements. this course will teach you the skills to manage conflict effectively.

4-6 sessions

Mapping the problem

In this session, couples will identify their negative interaction patterns and the behavior that is sustaining and maintaining the problem. Each partner will assess their individual triggers that cause emotional reactivity and begin to better understand the dynamics of their interactions setting the stage for change.

Understanding your response system

In session two, couples will become more aware of their responses to triggers and conflict. They will evaluate past experiences that are influencing present functioning and engage in “process work” to reduce their emotional reactions.

distress tolerance skills

In week three, couples will gain skills that will help regulate emotions during conflict. They will practice using these skills in role-playing exercises to enhance their ability to effectively implement them in intense situations.

finding the “win-win” situation

In week four, couples will have the opportunity to focus on grace, mercy, forgiveness, and compromise to find a “win-win” situation. They will learn how to adjust their perspective to focus on relational solutions instead of transactional ones.

In this week, couples will put their skills to the test in discussing their “unsolvable problems.” They will navigate conversations dealing with topics that have been historically left in “gridlock” and begin to find resolution.

Overcoming gridlock

planning for conflict

In the final week, couples will develop plans to deal with conflict in the future. They will communicate their expectations and establish boundaries around their interactions to ensure respect and understanding are priorities.