family therapy
the family is the fundamental unit of society. as families work together to build strong and healthy relationships, they will be more prepared to function and be productive in the world.
6-8 sessions
Mapping the family system
In this session, families will identify negative relationship patterns through the use of mapping. They will map their family relationships and assess the emotional interactions occurring that serve to maintain the problem.
Rules, boundaries, and expectations
In session two, families begin collaborating to develop a shared understanding of rules and consequences. They address the spoken and unspoken expectations and eliminate unrealistic and dysfunctional expectations. They will also begin addressing boundaries and how to develop, verbalize, and implement healthy boundaries.
communication styles
In week three, families will gain insight into their communication style and learn how to communicate assertively. Additional communication tools will be learned to enhance the family’s ability to express feelings, wants, and needs to each other in a healthy way.
problem solving skills
In week four, families will have the opportunity to demonstrate the use of their newly learned communication skills. The therapist will assess and guide the family through role-playing and scenario-based exercises to fine-tune the areas of improvement.
coping with distress
In this week, couples will be introduced to the concept of validation and learn how to engage in alternative perspectives. Family members will gain the ability to see problems through the eyes of others in the family.
finding Resolution
In the final week, families will address their “unsolvable problems” and work toward reframing their approach to these issues. Emphasis will be on how to resolve historically conflictual disagreements through changed perspective and compromise.